Peer Review Policy and Process

Journal of Asian Social Science Research maintains the standard of peer review by ensuring that all research articles published in the journal have undergone rigorous peer-review process, based on initial screening by Editor-in-Chief and Editors. All book review papers and review articles published in this journal have undergone editorial review by Editor-in-Chief and/or Editors.

The review process of a submitted article takes around three months.

All research articles published in Journal of Asian Social Science Research undergo full peer review as follows:

  1. Reviewers will review the submitted manuscripts that follow the guidelines, template of the journal and review form;
  2. The review process in this journal employs a double-blind peer-review, which means that authors identities are concealed from reviewers and vice versa;
  3. In the review process, a manuscript will be reviewed by at least two relevant reviewers selected by the Editor-in Chief to ensure the quality of the manuscript as required;
  4. In the review process, the reviewers ensure the quality of the manuscripts in terms of its title, abstract, introduction, method, findings and conclusion. The reviewers also address the manuscript’s novelty and its contribution to the scientific discussion of the related studies and verify the plagiarism and ethics of publication;
  5. 5he reviewers provide feedback in the Review Form, which can be found here, on whether the article is accepted, rejected or in need of minor or major revision;
  6. Members of the international Editorial Boards provide the Editor-in-Chief with insight, counsel, and direction generally and aid in decision-making about particular submissions;
  7. The Managing Editor provides administrative support that allows Journal of Asian Social Science Research to retain the integrity of peer review while providing authors, reviewers, and editors with quick turnaround and optimum efficiency;
  8. Based on the reviews, the Editors will decide whether to accept, reject, or request amendments of the referred manuscripts. Additionally, the Editors will be able to request additional reviews as needed. When the Editors determine that additional review is required, the authors will be notified; and
  9. The Editor-in-Chief of the journal makes all decisions on publication based on the submitted reviews.